This paper entitled ”Teaching innovation in the teaching of classical Arabic: a corpus of graded texts on Arabic language and culture for levels A1 to C1 of the Common Frame of Reference” aims to address the issue of teaching innovation that is developed around the Arabic language as a concept and that is generally applied to the levels taught in the university degrees that include it as language A, B or C. In the case of the Arabic language, Arabic is understood as both the classical or standard variety and the dialectal variety. For the teaching of classical Arabic by means of texts, a series of appreciations are necessary with respect to the levels A1 to B1 mentioned in the title. For these reasons, an explanation will be made of the practical application of the corpus of graded texts on Arabic language and culture mentioned, with some precisions on the grammatical issue at each level or university degree course, the pronunciation and uses of texts for improvement, the improvement of the lexical and morphosyntactic level and the increase of linguistic abilities in general derived from the use of the teaching applications of this innovative approach.
The results of this innovation proposal will serve to raise new proposals for improvement in the field of language teaching through the use of literary corpus for our teaching activity.
Key words:Innovación docente, Lengua extranjera, Metodología, Enseñanza online, Universidad
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