Introducction. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) have been considered a natural way to connect the academically established formal learning with the informal one that naturally arises from the student. Some authors even consider it as a logical and inherent evolution of the human being to be adapted to the facilities offered by new technologies to access to interesting information. Within this conception, the term PLE is located among different areas of study such as the technological or specially the pedagogical, as a tool that marks the self-regulated learning, as an emergent pedagogical practice and as an essential aspect for the improvement of teaching professional development. In order to study PLE in a specific area of intervention in a accurate way, this document consist on a systematic review about the current research on PLE and teaching improvements.

Methodology This study is based on the systematic review carried out by Castañeda and Torres – Kompen (2019), which did not analysed the articles included. These authors searched databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar, between the years 2008-2017, using the following keywords as ”Personal Learning Environment, learning about teaching, knowledge for teaching, teachers conceptions, teachers perceptions”.

Result and Discussion: After systematizing the search, the 21 most relevant articles were selected for its review and analysis. The present work aims to clarify how PLE could help teachers to improve their teaching intervention in order to establish a referent framework. A Summary of the articles analyzed in the systematic review on the improvement of teaching intervention through personal learning environments are presented. teacher professional development requires a correct scaffolding to implement all the learning possibilities with a PLE and be linked to the learning requirements. The use of these tools by different teachers in different subjects and contexts can help students to observe their applications in different learning scenarios and use them to meet their current and future learning needs

Conclusion: The PLE concept is a meaning that is still considered emerging despite having been within the educational field for approximately ten years. An idea that fluctuates between technological reality and pedagogical reality and is even understood today as a natural way to connect with learning. Therefore, we can understand it as the set of structures that make the learner more independent. However, the idea of ​​whether a PLE is more of a resource or a teaching proposal is still not entirely clear. Regarding the pedagogical perspective of the use of PLE, several philosophies are highlighted for the correct educational use of PLE by teachers. Although there is a greater trajectory in this regard on what the PLE can contribute to the didactic intervention, it is still necessary to deepen on what is the most effective way to integrate the virtues of personal learning environments to the teaching performance of teachers

Palabras clave

Didactics Personal Learning Environments Professional development Technology

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Salvador Baena Morales

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