Affectivity in Online Teaching

Emotions play an important role in all types of learning and, when it comes to a foreign language, it is a decisive factor that stimulates the learner’s approach to the target language and culture. Arnold and Brown (2000, p. 19) state that the affective dimension of learning completes the cognitive one. Thus, the two coexist since, as LeDoux (1996: 39) points out, the mind cannot be perceived without emotions.

In the present study, our aim is to approach the problems posed by the online teaching of foreign languages and how it affects students´emotions. Our methodology will be based on a contrastive study between the satisfaction surveys of the students who took the French language course before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to verify how the online teaching methology has affected students´ academic performance and motivation.

In conclusion, we are going to establish the main parameters that intervene in the online teaching of a foreign language and that are closely related to cognitive and affective learning strategies. Finally, we will make some suggestions in order to improve the results of virtual learning and increase students´emotional awareness.

Palabras clave

Affectivity Communicative Competence Foreign language Learning French As A Foreign language Online Teaching

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Adamantía Zerva

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