Tomás Gabriel García-Micó
Pais España Adscripción Institucional Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Pais España Adscripción Institucional Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Tomás Gabriel García-Micó es abogado ejerciente y doctorando en Derecho en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, con una tesis doctoral sobre el impacto jurídico de las nuevas tecnológicas quirúrgicas (ello es, los robots quirúrgicos) con una perspectiva de derecho comparado. Además, es profesor de varias asignaturas del Grado en Derecho, del Grado en Economía y del Grado en Relaciones Laborales (tanto clases magistrales como seminarios). Hasta el momento, ha hecho estancias de investigación en la China-EU School of Law (Beijing, septiembre de 2019) y en la Dickson Poon School of Law de King’s College London (Londres, enero-abril de 2020), bajo la supervisión del Prof. Roger Brownsword, miembro del grupo de investigación TELOS.
I. Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars (Speaker)
- “Flipped Classroom – Co-teaching Private Law in Times of Pandemic in Spain”, 2021 Association of Law Teachers Virtual Conference, Virtual (April 15th & 16th, 2021).
- “Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms”, European University Institute, The Digital Public Sphere Working Group, Virtual (November 12th, 2020).
- “Dr Robot Went Crazy – Liability issues arising from a medical device’s hackability”, Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (INDOCON) 2020, Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law, Virtual (October 1st, 2020).
- “Surgical Robots – Allocating (Tort) Liability”, 1st Early Career Researchers Virtual Conference, University of Haifa and The Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions, Virtual (September 24th, 2020).
- “Teaching in Unsettled Times: Experiences of online teaching for on-site studies”, Directions in Legal Education 2020 Online Conference on Teaching & Learning in Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Virtual (May 18-20th, 2020).
- “Surgical Robots and Tort Law: So Who Should be Liable?”, China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law, invited by Prof. Dr. Monika Prusinowska, Beijing (September 24th, 2019).
- “Smart autonomous surgical robots, legal personhood and EU Tort Law”, Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms: Ethical and Legal Challenges, University of Tartu, Tartu (May 23rd, 2019).
- “El Derecho de consumo español, de nuevo, ante el TJUE. El caso del IRPH”, Weekly seminar organized by the Patrimonial Law Research Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (February 1st, 2019).
- “El caso Andriciuc: una visión pro consumatore en materia de hipotecas multidivisa. Implicaciones en otros ámbitos del Derecho del Consumo, el caso del IRPH”, III Annual Meeting on European Case-law of the European Law Institute Spanish Hub, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (May 9th, 2018).
II. Publications
1. Articles on Law Journals and subject to peer review:
1. “Platform Economy and Product Liability: Old rules for new markets”, IDP: Revista d’Internet, Dret i Política (forthcoming).
2. (With Pablo Salvador Coderch), “Concepción contextual de la buena fe contractual. Artículo 1.258 del Código Civil”, InDret 1/2020, pp. 28-55 – [Online].
3. “Litigación asociada a la cirugía robótica con el da Vinci”, InDret 4/2014, pp. 1-41 – [Online].
2. Participation in collective works:
1. (With Pablo Salvador Coderch), “Commentary to articles 622-35 (revocability of mandate), 622-36 (covenant on irrevocability of mandate) and 621-40 (right to withhold performance)”, in Joan Egea Fernández and Josep Ferrer Riba (Dirs.) and Esther Farnós Amorós (Coord.), Comentari al llibre sisè del Codi Civil de Catalunya (Contracts), Atelier, Barcelona, 2021 (forthcoming).
2. “Electronic personhood. A tertium genus for smart autonomous surgical robots”, in Martin Ebers and Marta Cantero Gamito (Eds.), Algorithmic Governance and Governance of Algorithms – Legal and Ethical Challenges, Springer International Publishing, Suiza, Data Science, Machine Intelligence, and Law, 2021, pp. 87-108.
ISBN: 978-3-030-50558-5 (e-Book: 978-3-030-50559-2).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50559-2.
3. “El caso Andriciuc: una visión pro consumatore en materia de hipotecas multidivisa. Implicaciones en otros ámbitos del Derecho del Consumo, el caso del IRPH”, in Albert Ruda González and Carmen Jerez Delgado, Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea. Materiales del III Encuentro anual del Centro español del European Law Institute, Sepin, Madrid, 2020, Vol. I, pp. 129-150.
ISBN: 978-84-18247-05-7.
4. 4. “Dr Robot went crazy – Liability issues arising from a medical device’s hackability”, in Abhivardhan, Akash Manwani, Sameer Samal, Aditi Sharma and Kshitij Naik (Eds.), AI & Globalization in Law. Conference Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2020, Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law in the Republic of India, Prayagraj, 2020, Vol. I, pp. 113-132.
IBSN: 978-81-947131-1-1 (e-Book: 978-86-963116-9-2).
3. Articles on Law Journals and not subject to peer review:
1. 1. “Comentario a las conclusiones del abogado general Szpunar sobre la cláusula IRPH. Asunto C-125/18 (Marc Gómez del Moral c. Bankia)”, InDret 4/2019, pp. 1-16 – [Online].
2. 2. (With Carlos Gómez Ligüerre), “Liability for Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies”, InDret 1/2020, pp. 501-511 – [Online].
3. 3. (With Ignacio García-Perrote Martínez), “Identidad, cesión de datos personales y la decisión Privacy Shield tras la SJUE Schrems II”, InDret 3/2020, pp. 551-559 – [Online].
III. Teaching Innovation
1. Participant to the course “Formació inicial a la docència universitària” (FIDU, or Initial Training in University Teaching). Presential course. 170 hours (7 ECTS credits).
2. Coordinator of the project M_72379_2021_1_13: “Project-based learning for the 2021 worldwide issues: COVID-19, sustainability and the quest for Product Liability-based solutions” (PlaCLIK 2020 project funded by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), funded with 2,250.00 EUR. Working team member: Dr. Lela Mélon.
3. Member of the working group of the project M_72379_2021_1_7: “Aprenentatge en temps de pandèmia: replantejant la docència del Dret Privat a l’estudiantat de Relacions Laborals” (PlaCLIK 2020 project funded by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), funded with 1,000.00 EUR. Coordinator: Ignacio García-Perrote Martínez.
IV. Research Activities
1. Participation in research projects and research groups
1.1. Researcher in competitively funded projects:
1. “Coronavirus i Dret Privat: avaluació dels mecanismes disponibles d’assignació de riscos i propostes de millora” (2020PANDE00092), funded by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, within the scope of the program Ajuts per al finançament de projectes de recerca, en el marc de la convocatoria “Replegar-se per créixer: l’impacte de les pandèmies en un món sense fronteres visibles” (PANDÈMIES 2020).
2. “Responsabilidad civil y mercado. La compensación del daño económico” (DER2017-82673-R), coordinated by Dr. Carlos Ignacio Gómez Ligüerre and funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the European Fund of Regional Development and the Spanish State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación).
3. “Judicial Training Project – Fundamental Rights In Courts and Regulation” (FRICoRe) (JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2017), coordinated by Prof. Paola Iamiceli (University of Trento). Member of the Spanish research team from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, coordinated by Dr. Mireia Artigot i Golobardes.
1.2. Member of research groups:
1. Researcher in Consolidated Research Group for Private Law (Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya: 2017 SGR 01636). Department of Universities, Research and Information Society – Generalitat de Catalunya. PI: Josep Ferrer Riba.
1.3. Scholarships:
1. Research Assistant (Becario de Investigación FI – Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca), Private Law Department UPF (2019).
2. Short Stay PhD Scholarship to conduct research at the China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Sciences and Law (CUPL) – September 2019.
2. Research stays
- Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law and Society; The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. Hosted by Prof. Roger Brownsword (January 1st, 2020-March, 31st, 2020).
- China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Sciences and Law. Hosted by Prof. Monty Silley (September, 2019).
3. Positions hold in legal journals
1. Peer reviewer of the Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (since April 2020).
2. Edition Coordinator of InDret (since September 2018).
3. Editor of InDret (March 2013 – April 2015).
4. Member of academic and professional organizations
1. 1. Member of the European China Law Association (since September 2020).
2. International Member of The Society of Legal Scholars (since August 2020).
3. Fellow of the European Law Institute (since April 2018).
4. Member of the Robotics and AI Law Society [RAILS] (since October 2018).
V. University management and representative positions
1. Member elect of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Senate, according to the resolution of the Electoral Board of 14 December 2020 (2020-).
2. Representative elect of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra Senate before the University’s Governing Council, according to the resolution of the Electoral Board of 11 February 2021 (2021-).
Actualmente, me encuentro en el último año de doctorado en Derecho y me gustaría poder seguir consolidándome en la carrera académica, colaborando con equipos de investigación en mi etapa posdoctoral en cualquier disciplina del Derecho Patrimonial (contratos o daños, por ejemplo), así como en cuestiones de responsabilidad patrimonial de las Administraciones Públicas en el marco de los procesos regulatorios de medicamentos y productos sanitarios.